CATESOL Education Foundation
Support The CATESOL Journal
In these challenging times of pandemic and political turmoil, it is important to support TESOL scholarship and community. It’s time to come together, share our stories, and reflect on our learning. This is the mission of The CATESOL Journal.
We need your help!
Our short-term goal is to raise $5000 by December of 2023.
We will use these funds to consult with a professional fundraiser, create a long-term fundraising plan, and put down the deposits for fundraising events in spring 2024 to pay our copy editor and layout designers over several years, thereby ensuring continued on time and professionally presented publications.
Thank you for the support of this journal, which contributes to the professional development of teachers of refugee, immigrant and international students in the U.S.
For more information, visit the journal's website: http://www.catesoljournal.org/
To donate to The CATESOL Journal
Choose the "Pay with PayPal or Credit
Card" button. -
In the "Add a Note to your Donation" field listing your donation amount in Paypal, please write
"CATESOL Journal Fund."
or email catesoleducationfoundation@gmail.com

Donations made to the CATESOL Education Foundation are tax-deductible as charitable contributions (Tax ID Number 20-8464092). Your donation is made through PayPal. You do not need to be a member of PayPal to use it.
Please, don't forget to provide your mailing address in the comments area to help us prepare a tax receipt for you.