CATESOL Education Foundation
Dr. Gail E. Weinstein was an educator, linguist, mentor, world traveler, and peacemaker. Gail was a TES/FL professor in the English department at San Francisco State University, the creator of the pedagogical framework "Learners’ Lives as Curriculum," and author of many textbooks--including Stories to Tell our Children.
Friends and family of Dr. Weinstein set up this fund to provide a monetary award to honor Gail's work by recognizing an outstanding ESL practitioner who has demonstrated leadership, creativity, and dedication to learner-centered instruction, specifically the integration of learners’ personal stories into ESL classroom learning. This $300 award is now made possible by donations from the CATESOL membership.
Gail presented many times at CATESOL and TESOL on her work with immigrants and project-based learning in the community. She established the Bay Area Immigrant Literacy Initiative and created the First Amendment Project, in which teachers collected narratives about freedom of expression from students. San Francisco State University President Robert Corrigan wrote that Professor Weinstein had made a “lasting impact in a community that ranges from close friends, students and colleagues, to immigrants who may never know even her name - but whose lives she has changed."
For more information about this award, please visit the CEF Awards page.
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