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It is with sadness that CATESOL and the CATESOL Education Foundation inform their members and friends of the passing of a long time friend and valued colleague, Stephen Sloan, a dedicated leader in the field of English language teaching. Steve was a guiding force in CATESOL, serving as CATESOL president (1990-1991), CATESOL Conference Co-chair (1983), and CATESOL Exhibits Chair for five annual conferences.

In addition to his volunteer work in CATESOL, Steve was the 1995 Conference Site Chair for the joint TESOL/CATESOL international conference. He also served as chapter chair of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA). 

Steve was employed by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and worked at James Monroe High School in the North Hills area of Los Angeles from 1992-2006.  He served as a Title 1 Coordinator, an ESL Coordinator, and an ESL teacher. He was an advisor in the Language Acquisition Branch and had responsibilities for program and curriculum development from 1988-1992. Steve worked on the Master Plan for the Education of Limited English Proficient Students and on the Placement System for Adult ESL. He served as “Beyond the Bell” assistant principal in 2005-2006.

His earlier teaching experiences were at Hollywood High School and Van Nuys Junior High in the LAUSD, and William Niles Junior High in New York City Schools.  Before that, Steve was a Peace Corps volunteer in Colombia, South America, from 1964-1966. 

Steve was the author of The Complete ESL/EFL Cooperative & Communicative Activity Book and English for Success (National Textbook Company), Places to Know in the USA with Jill Gluck (Dominie Press), and Rights and Responsibilities (McGraw Hill) to mention a few of his commercial publications. He was a contributing consultant for McGraw Hill on the All Stars series.

To honor his dedication and outstanding contributions to CATESOL, Steve’s wife, Maureen Sloan, and the CATESOL Education Foundation have established a Stephen Sloan Memorial Fund. This fund currently provides professional development opportunities to ESL teachers by offering honoraria for speakers at CATESOL conferences and other professional development events. 


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CATESOL Education Foundation is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to the CATESOL Education Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our tax identification number is 20-8464092. Donations made to the CATESOL Education Foundation are tax-deductible as charitable contributions. Your donation is made through PayPal.  You do not need to be a member of Pay Pal to use it.



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